EEI's test preparation resources were developed to provide you with tools and information that will help you prepare for a career in the electric energy industry. Additional resources for improving your reading, math, electricity, and mechanical comprehension skills may be found at your local libraries and bookstores.

Go to the brochures
The brochures provide information on employment test batteries associated with jobs in the electric utility industry. Every effort has been taken to ensure that each test battery meets all anti-discrimination laws and regulations. The employment tests have been found to be statistically valid and fair for all test takers. To access the online brochures, click on the Brochures image or choose Brochures from the main menu above.

Go to the practice tests
The practice tests were developed to help you prepare for the EEI employment tests. Each practice test battery resembles the real test battery in both form and content. Keep in mind that the practice tests will differ in some ways from the real tests. To access the practice tests, click on the Practice Tests image or choose Practice Tests from the main menu above.